Thursday, June 16, 2011

In case you're curious, I'm one of the smarter people in the world. The smartest? Certainly not. And when you break out the 'niche' areas.. like astrophysics..GRAMMAR AND SPELLING.. (ie, you may find gramatical errors or spelling errors) It isn't because I cant run a spell check on the posts that I write, or look at Microsoft's grammar suggestions, but simply this: I don't care about minor, lessor things that small minds fixate on.

So with that, lets begin. I will comment on the news of the day and also give out simple solutions for today's problems that seem to stump the common population and our government.

Ok.. The above paragraphs seem to pump up my ego, but you're probably looking for some PROOF.. so here you go:

PROBLEM : Drunk Driving - IE .. People killing other people while driving drunk

Solution : (easy to implement, 70% effective)

As you are aware, every single checker in the U.S.A. is already trained to sell alcohol. That is, they 'card' people under 30 or 40 (depending on your state) A simple solution to cut drunk driving down dramatically would be this:

Card EVERYONE.. Period.. I dont care if you're 100 years old.. Why?

Here : If you're caught driving drunk you get a HOLE punched in your drivers license, ID - Every cop has a hole punch that works for anyone caught driving drunk, and if you're going to get a new license it shows on the computer if you're 'hole punched' (and by the way.. only people with a valid drivers license or state issued ID would be allowed to buy alcohol, as you HAVE to show one of these two forms of ID) If you're caught driving drunk, you get a hole punched in your drivers license (drunk disorderly people would get a hole punched in their ID. If they dont have ID and they're drinking they would get a MANDATORY 3 day jail sentence.. No matter if you're a BUM or Donald Trump)

Boom.. You'll see 50 year olds outside of convenience stores asking young people to buy them alcohol.. thus it isn't 100% effective, but it is about 70% and would add VERY MINIMAL stress on the economy..

Have a better solution to stop drunk driving that isn't nuts (ie, killing people on the spot if caught drunk driving... Torture or some other nut-ball idea, I would love to hear it!)

Email me at

1 comment:

wbienek said...

For those not too bright... You can't buy alcohol if you have a hole punched in your drivers license..